Average salary

What is the average salary for an electrician/electrical technician

Akuokou wrote:

What is the average salary for an electrician/electrical technician?

That figure was not readily available via Internet search.

Here are some questions for you to consider in seeking such employment in Ecuador....

Could you pass a Spanish-language electrician's exam that questions your knowledge of the electrical code in Ecuador?

Are you aware that even if you were hired by a U.S., U.K. or Australia-based company, you would probably need to be fluent in Spanish to communicate with your co-workers and possibly your immediate supervisor?

Are you aware that for you to obtain a work visa, the Cancillería would need to sign off on an official contract/job-offer from your prospective employer?

You would probably be competing for any available position against native español speakers.  The national hiring policy is to give preference to Ecuadorian nationals over foreigners if both are qualified for a position.

Question:  Why would you want to work in Ecuador?

cccmedia in Quito

Ministry visa-information website:

You can find some data on this Spanish-language site for Colombia based on responses from people there holding various positions but I was unable to find any data for Ecuador.  It is likely that pay in Ecuador will be comparable to Colombia and perhaps less for the same type of work since the 2013 estimates for PPP dollars are $11,960 USD for Colombia and $10,720 for Ecuador (google search 'colombia per capita income').

http://www.tusalario.org/colombia/Porta … tu-salario

"Electrician" is a pretty broad brush.  So I looked for the pay for an electrician who does house wiring, with 10 years of experience.  The average per month was about 1.3 million pesos which at today's exchange rate is about $540 USD, with the range being from a low of 920,000 pesos or $382 USD to a high of 1.7 million pesos or $706 USD.

To put this in context the minimum salary set by the government in Colombia is $268 USD/month at today's exchange rate; in Ecuador the minimum salary is $354 USD/month (up $14/month from last year).  Be aware that in both countries a large portion of the working public still do not actually receive even that much per month. 

However a skilled electrician would not be at the minimum - provided, as cccmedia said, that you could communicate effectively in Spanish, and find a job to begin with.

Well my average salary is 6,000.00 a month. I would like to talk to people in the area of Cotacchi, Ecuador. I open omen one will answers me

Fleming Trosclair