Any Pretzels in Ecuador?

Sorry for this useless post but I was never able to find a bag of pretzels anywhere in Ecuador. This might be a deal breaker for me! How will I be able to satisfy my pretzel craving? Are these babies anywhere to be found in Ecuador?

finster wrote:

I was never able to find a bag of pretzels anywhere in Ecuador. This might be a deal breaker for me! How will I be able to satisfy my pretzel craving? Are these babies anywhere to be found in Ecuador?

Cálmate, Vaquero. ;)

Ecuador is not completely devoid of pretzels, although this product is not so omnipresent as pizza, pollo y rosquillas (doughnuts).

The chain Mr. Pretzels is listed as having a shop at Centro Comercial El Bosque, a popular mall in an upscale section of northwest Quito.

Now these are typically large, "soft" pretzels, not the tiny crunchy kind that go 50 to a bag.

For a better look, visit

cccmedia in Quito

What about getting razor blades. Will I be able to buy Gillette Atra blades and if so, are they only available at specialty shops?

finster wrote:

What about getting razor blades. Will I be able to buy Gillette Atra blades and if so, are they only available at specialty shops?

Funny you should ask.  I just got back from an ordinary farmacia where I picked up a package of four Gillette Mach 3 cartridges for $10.00.

I wasn't looking for the Atras.  But I don't think you'll have a problem finding quality shaving products at close-to-U.S. prices in lots of places in Ecuador's cities.

Atrás means "behind" or "in back of" in español.

cccmedia in Quito

Yep. SuperMaxi carries pretzels imported from the USA.

The brand is Snyders.

Pajaroazul wrote:

SuperMaxi carries (Snyders) pretzels imported from the USA.

Good job, Bluebird.

I should have known the King of the Bocaditos would be a key resource on this tasty case. ;)

Of course, Elvis!

message deleted

Me too! But only Snyders.can't drink beer without pretzels! Guess this means that I'll have to live close to a Supermaxi.

finster wrote:

can't drink beer without pretzels! Guess this means that I'll have to live close to a Supermaxi.

Not necessarily.

If stored in a cool, dry place...bags of pretzels can last three months.

For more insight into extending the life of bagged pretzels, visit:

I buy them for the Explorers clubhouse from the Cerano Bakery in Cumbaya.  There are several Cerano's around. The pretzels are large. The only problem with them is that the baker doesn't apply egg to the tops so the salt crystals stick well.  Also, you can get stick pretzels at SuperMaxi, but you must search carefully for them or go the the customer service desk and ask. I think the Spanish word is the same.

That's right, they're called pretzels here in EC too.  There is no other equivalent term in español. (

The pretzel was invented by monks during the Middle Ages.

Later, southeastern Pennsylvania became a major pretzel producer in the 19th century with its large German population.

Today, Pennsylvania produces 90 percent of the pretzels made in the U.S.

Source: Wikipedia

cccmedia in Quito

You're right Cyrano has them (not Cerano). They are a chain found in Quito. My closest one is Avenida Gonzalez Suarez. The pretzels are the large, soft, German style ones.

Thank you. I can confirm that Cyrano sells pretzels at .80 each. They are medium size, German type, delicious and 2 are very satisfying. The Cyrano I'm talking about is on Portugal street.

You can find German/Swiss-style Bretzel in any Corfu or Swiss Corner shops (Quito, Cumbaya, Tumbaco areas)  or a German Home-style restaurant in Floresta. :top:


newinquito wrote:

You can find German/Swiss-style Bretzel in any Corfu or Swiss Corner shops (Quito, Cumbaya, Tumbaco areas)  or a German Home-style restaurant in Floresta. :top:



Yes, there are pretzels in Ecuador. You may find it in any shopping mall in Quito but for sure I have seen a place in Mall del Sol in Guayaquil.

Good luck!

The Snyders Supermaxi pretzels don't do it for me - I am German. The large, soft types I see in the mall
don't taste authentic. The reason is that the real "Laugenbrezeln" in Germany are dipped in Lye before baking.
You could make them yourself.  Amazon is selling a pound of food grade Sodium Hydroxide for $10 -
but of course it "does not ship to Ecuador". Local pharmacies don't have it either.

Regarding the razor blades - I like to use them for scoring breads.  (There is no need to buy a $10 "lame" ).  Again I have not been able to find any here.   Amazon has them of course, but again - they don't ship.
Well - at least you can get some good imported beer here. Cheers!