Questions about Tunis

We are currently living in Tripoli been here about 1 year and may well be on the move to Tunis before the end of the year, I have a couple of questions that you may be able to help out with

I am looking for a website that I can get an idea of what the housing is like, all I can find at the moment is holiday rentals which is not really what we are looking for any ideas?

Areas in Tunis – we will most likely be looking for either a 3 bedroom condo or a 3 – 4 bedroom villa, probably unfurnished, I will be working in an office in town and also need pretty easy access to the airport. We are fairly independent and do not need to live in “expat” type compounds but would be interested in what area's we should be looking at?


I just moved here 2 weeks ago and found a flat downtown and love it. I did not want to be in the Mannar, Menzah, Ennaser suburbs as I wanted to be close to work- which is in Cite Jardins. I didn't find a website for housing either, but found my flat through a restaurant I was going to every nite when I first arrived & was staying at Hotel Ariha. I asked the waiter if he knew of any places and within 1/2 hour, a guy showed up and showed me a place across the street. He was a rental agent so I had to pay him a finders fee, but totally worth it since my work was only looking in neighborhoods outside the city center to live in. I can walk to work in 15 minutes and it is central.
I would check out Cite Jardins, Lac, La Goulette (all close to airport)

thanks for the info, looks like i am going to be over there in a couple of weeks so will have a chance to look around and get a feel for the areas.