Newbie to this forum, moving to Guad!

Hi folks, I greatly enjoy reading all your threads and am encouraged and educated by all you have to say, whether you agree with each other or not.  :)  haha
Moving (hopefully) next Jan. for the new semester (depends on if my little house sells, say a prayer for me!), signed up with Internet Works - Teaching English in Mexico program, they want to place me somewhere in Guad because there are more opps there, they said.  Guaranteed job placement and help w/finding lodging, visa paperwork, local rep in the city, etc.
Have my TESOL, college degree, experience teaching ESL since last year, taking Spanish lessons...I would love to connect w/fellow ESL-teaching expats (I'm from Wisconsin, brrr!!!) in GDL.  Any tips, pointers, ups, downs, advice, et al would be welcomed by me!
Anyone bring a pet with them?  I would like to be able to bring my cat.  How is vet car in GDL?  Also would like to find an English-speaking church.  I have found out about St. Mark's already.  Thanks in advance to all you nice folks out there, assisting us newbies!  Gracias y cuidate!  -Brenda

Are you still planning on moving to GDL in January?

Yes, I am!  Do you live there?  I'm coming mid-month.  :):)

I have a couple of friends who live there, one is an American man with his Mexican wife, late 20's and the other is a mid-20s native to Guadalahara.  I can get you their contact info if you would like.