Foreign car in Malta

Hi there!
I've a question guys, my father in law moved into Malta one year ago from Italy and he brought with him his italian car.
7 months ago he had to go back in Italy for health problems and he left his car here, the car is parked on the street with the insurance expired in August, engine broken (does not start) and also the car has not been registered on MT.
Now the question is: what may happen by the law regulamentation?

Thanks a lot in advance!!!!!

1. even if he wasnt a resident, then the car can only legally be in Malta for 6 months in 12
2. no insurance, and presumably no road tax ?

if someone was to report the car as abandoned, it might be towed away and as not locally registered, scrapped - that might be the best option for your FiL

ok thanks a lot!

Hi thought I would mention I'm a fully qualified English mechanic if needed to take a look... I'm currently based in st Julian's (however I'm guessing it's been dealt with)
