A place to stay

Hello i am from Portugal and i will arrive at Cardiff on the 4th of November and i have tried to find a place to stay for me, my son who is 14 and also for my cat. But its very difficult because most of the times people don't allow pets in their properties.  My cat is very nice he is a blue persa he has been castreded and i have a declaration from the owner of the house where he wrotes that cat didn't destroy anything. Can someone help me i really need a place to stay. Thank you. Marina Crespo

Marina Crespo escreveu:

Hello i am from Portugal and i will arrive at Cardiff on the 4th of November and i have tried to find a place to stay for me, my son who is 14 and also for my cat. But its very difficult because most of the times people don't allow pets in their properties.  My cat is very nice he is a blue persa he has been castreded and i have a declaration from the owner of the house where he wrotes that cat didn't destroy anything. Can someone help me i really need a place to stay. Thank you. Marina Crespo

bom dia Marina, qualquer "estate agent" podera indicar-te um lugar para arrendar onde gatos sejam aceites sem ser necessario apresentar cartas de referencias para o gato.

Ok, obrigado.

Olá! Gostaria de saber se sua mudança deu certo.. Eu, meu marido e meus dois cachorros estamos planejando nos mudar para Cardiff, e temo a mesma coisa que vc. Espero que tudo tenha se resolvido!