Not From Norway but Curious about how Norwegian's express themselves.

I posted this somewhere but seems like it doesn't fit into that topic so I decided to start a new topic. I'm confused. I met a Norwegian man on the plane and I asked for his number. I contacted him and he made an effort to change his schedule to meet me. We were only together for 12 hours but during that period of time he stared a lot, he kept on complimenting me, he paid for everything from drinks to dinner, cab etc. He'd also touch my arm or the small of my back whenever he has the chance. And he was mentioning about meeting again. When we were about to part ways he had this sad look on his face and he told me it was bittersweet since the day was coming to an end. Then I sent him off to the airport he finally held my hand without saying anything. We hugged and kissed for a long time at the airport then he left. But now, he doesn't seem to keep in touch much despite the seemingly awesome time we had together. He is a very busy man though. Any thoughts? How are Norwegian men when it comes to keeping in touch? And do you think he really like me or it was just a one day thing? He also did mention its difficult to maintain a relationship because he moves to different countries a lot and I travel for a living as well.

Hmm from my experience the lower back touching is a normal and common sign of affection, but the constant staring etc. sounds a little more like infatuation to me rather than 'a weird Norwegian thing' which could also explain his sudden loss of interest, infatuation usually finishes as abruptly as it started, maybe he found a new person to focus his attention on (Sorry!) Perhaps I'm being too negative... He could just be busy, give it some time and if you are really interested give him a call in another week or so and take it from there.

In my opinion this odd behavior at the end is not typical of a Norwegian, its more typical of a guy. A man will make time for a woman he's truly interested in regardless of his schedule, or at minimum take the time to explain why he can't.

They aren't all like that ;)

We still keep in touch but it seems like I am the one who is initiating it. I just met him two days ago so is it possible for him to immediately be interrsted in someone else? I did tell him starightforwardly that I missed him and he replied that he missed me too. I dont know how to procede because it seems like Scandinavians in general are worlds apart different from southern Europeans that I mostly encounter at work

Oh if its only a few days I wouldn't worry! I assumed it was weeks +, Norwegians, I feel, a very honest and clear about their opinions, sometimes a little too honest ;)

Personally I'd keep it casual, 'Wanna skype on Friday? Can do after 7 if you've got a full day.' Just be honest and open, maybe he just sucks at texting/calling thinking about it I actually don't know very many needy Norwegians. My husband is head over heels about me but if I visit England theres a good chance we'll only exchange a few texts over the week, if I call him he's always there but he can function without the constant affection.

I do feel like I'm "chasing" him by constatntly initiating conversations. So since you are married to a Norwegian, do u think its best for me to back off for a bit so I can see if he will even notice my absence? Or does that not work with them? Because my gut feeling is screaming "He's just not that into you."