Working in KSA, Riyadh

Hey everyone,
I am moving to KSA to work for an oil company. Could you please help me by answering some questions?

1) What kind of training do I need regarding culture awareness?
2) What do I need to know regarding education for my children?
3) What kind of job opportunities does my spouse have if she is allowed to work there?

thank you all

1. mmm. start with  family section  and single section!  can't be mixed! :D 
Dress  code,  specially for you wife.

2. I  guess there are alot of international school  in Riyadh so   just  search and choose  from which you prefer.

3.   I'm not sure how it works with you guys.  maybe she can offer tutorial  or apply for a teacher.  Usually,  universities hire  native English speaker as a   teacher.