Looking for a shop to rent

Dear all,

Been back to athens from July looking for a shop to start a healthy food business . Up until today we have found nothing proper with a descent price. We are looking for central areas as the nature of the business is street food . We are looking for 40-50 sq meters. I would very much appreciate it if anyone knows anything regarding this issue.
Thank you

Hi Amirouli,

I invite you to please post an advert in the Restaurants for sale in Athens section as it might help :)

Thank you


Dear maximilien,

Thank you for the tip. I just did but not sure because the section says housing.

Have a nice day.


Hello Amirouli

The section is Housing since everything that matters about rental and sales of houses, flats, land and commercial spaces are under the Housing Category.

Click the +Post an Ad, greed button at the far right of your screen to place an advert in the 'Professional space category''

Expat.com Team