LGBT living condition in KL

How safe is it for a gay expat to live in Kuala Lumpur? What are the social norms unique im Malaysia for gay people?

Male gay sex is illegal in Malaysia,as is anal sex between a man and a woman, so no overt expression is a really good idea.
I'm aware there are gay dating sites but I would advise great care as there are groups actively hunting homosexuals, and may well use these sites to trap people.
As for social norms, go for the UK in Oscar Wild's time, and you about have it.
Prison, fines, deportation (For foreigners), even flogging are used as punishments in Malaysia, but I believe the flogging is only for Muslim offenders.

That deals with KL but, in some cities, Ipoh and Georgetown come to mind, there are overt gay communities, and a good few ladyboys plying their trade on the streets.

I have absolutely no clue about the laws regarding lesbians, but you could always google.

Yes illegal. But if you stay away from Muslim men that way inclined and are not muslim yourself and don't advertise that you are gay then you can live ok in KL. Plenty of gay Chinese Malaysians and expats around. Don't see many overt gay indian men. Macho thing? Have friends and a colleague who are gay and no hassle if you do as above.

Thanks Nemodot and Mas Fred

Mad Fred I thought you only were into sheep?

This is Asia. Everybody is welcomed. Just cant be overly camp, thats all.Lots of gay bars and parties.

Nemodot wrote:

Mad Fred I thought you only were into sheep?

I have never been convicted of any crime involving sheep.

Edit - that may well make a nice new username.


Not convicted means just means never caught ;)

Or Welsh. There it is considered compulsory national service  :offtopic:

Please note my apologies to welsh people who never become expats anyway. Well except for going who new zealand for some unknown reason  :whistle: