Blogs, real estates on this website - be careful!


In the past months this forum is being "hijacked" by numerous posters, who just use it to promote their blogs, offer some "cheap" deals or whatever. I think that's not appropriate.

I really like, but I loose interest to write when I see that no one is taking care of some topics. "Visit my blog", "my bulgarian", "the best bulgarian blog" and so on. You can put a link in your profile to promote them, you don't need to open up 20 topics about your blog!

One other thing that disturbs me is that real estate agents are searching for potential clients and posting BS, just that we can see their avatar (f.e. "Blue Rock Investments") - just have a look at the latest topics. I am talking about foreign AND Bulgarian agents - get away, it's ugly.



I'll keep an eye on that. Could you please let me know which discussions have been hijacked ? (I'll moderate)


Way to go absent... good note!!!!

Bulgaria along with some ex-Iron Curtain countries has had the (quite undeservidly if you as ask me)reputation of harbouring all sorts of hackers/crackers and general dodgy types who cause problems and criminal activity on the internet.

Hardly a day goes by without some hysterical UK paper (The Daily Mail usually) trying to make headlines by alleging all sorts of bank fraud or scams over the net or at cash point machines.

It was not helped when two years ago some allged Bulgarians were caught using skimmers at City of London and West Country cash points and were put up nationally on CCTV footage, then raided and found to have loads of blank crdit cards waiting to be encoded.

Is this something that has come to the attention of members, I even wonder if the people who were caught had correct documents  indicating their nationality anyway or they were forgeries from elsewhere.

As it seems there is alot of cash deals and cash shopping rather than credit card or debit card use in Bulgaria I find these reports all the more surprising.