Citizenship help


I am indian citizen and my girlfriend is chinese citizen. We are legally cohabiting in Belgium. Our son was born in Belgium in sep 2013. I went to indian embassy to apply for nationality for my son. They told me that since our son was born out of wedlock india cannot provide the citizen ship. So we went to chinese embassy and they told me that since our son is registered as Indian in the commune. They won't be able to provide the citizenship and since my sons name is Pradhi Hebbar, which is not chinese name they cannot put this name on the passport even if they provide the citizenship. So I went to the commune for the change of name and nationality in their files, and they mentioned that without the passport from the chinese embassy or a letter stating the he has a chinese nationality they won't be able to change it in their files. They also mentioned that it is impossible to change the name since he is not a Belgian national. So we are back to square one. None of the countries provide the nationality to my son and he is stateless. Please provide any help.

A child born in Beligum and who does not have citizenship of parents gets Belgian citizenship, but you need proof of NON citizenship from India and China.

Getting a passport does not equal citizenship.

Go back to Chinese embassy. … in_belgium  has some useful info about getting him a Belgian nationality.