Dogs and the people with them in Rehab

Can anyone tell me what is going on with these dogs?  You love dogs that your business and I dont care at all. Now I have people when they see me they unhook their dogs and let them go. So what I want to know are there any rules for dogs in Rehab. Dont get me wrong I am not afraid of dogs at all, but when you are walking with a baby and someone unhooks their dog! What can you dorun I dont think so..I feel sorry for the dog. Today a man with a very big dog saw me walking with some little children and he just unhooked his dog and the dog started coming right for us. It was not the first or second time, but believe me that is the last time that will every happen to me. I was in the park last week and a woman came in the park with her pitbull, sat in the middle of a group of women and children. Start it playing with the dog hoping to put fear in the hearts of people. Now what I think because Im not Egyptian, people will take the side of the dog. Or some real smart person will say if you dont like it go back to your country.

at Rehab they always go to the big garden infront of the club, named GUC garden! even in madainaty people complains concerning this issue!
there is also a group for dog lovers in rehab and madinaty at Facebook.
be safe.