FIling income tax in Malaysia

Hi,Do we have to file taxes in Malaysia as an expat? Or as long as the employer deducts your taxes,is it fine?
Do drop in a line,if someone knows the details.thanks.

Of course you have to!!!!!

Serious trouble if you don't. Get a tax code from.your employer and register online and submit there. Your employer must give you an EA form.

Also some employers have been known to deduct taxes and not pay the tax man......

thnx nemodot.. wots EA form?

Would we be categorized as Non -resident or Resident? Surprisingly,the company tax consultant says I am under INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT CATEGORY.Im on an EP,and this only my first year.

EA form states your earnings and tax paid on a PAYE basis. Your company is legally obliged to give you one.

If you worked throughout 2013 and are therefore tax resident, take a look at the concessions you have to reduce your income tax. If you don't file a return, you potentially miss out on a rebate for those posts.

@nemo,gravitas.. much thnx !!!