Temps de parcours entre Cu Chi et HCMV


Est-ce quelqu'un pourrait m'indiquer le temps de parcours approximatif pour aller travailler chaque jour à Cu Chi depuis HCMV ?

Est-ce faisable et est-ce que cela nous permettrait de vivre dans un District sympa de HCMV ? SI oui, lequel ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos conseils.

It's a 28.7 kilometer distance from Saigon and take 42 minutes. (Map timing)
Depends on your driving and traffic it may vary.
Q.12 and Go Vap are the nearest districts.
For a clear result you should post in English.

Thanks for your quick feedback. I hesitated to post it in english indeed.

Well, we were aware of the theoretical distance between those 2 cities, but what about daily trafic jam in that direction?

You also mentioned that it could be near to district 12, but we heard that expatriates are mainly living in D7.

Would someone know how long it would take in average between D7 and Cu Chi every day?

Thanks in advance,

Just gave you nearest districts  :D
It's up to you where do you like to reside.
Q.2 and Q.7 are majority expats area.
About traffic, morning and evening little heavy.

Hi guy

Just take a taxi to get Cu Chi. The driver so clear the way to get no traffic jam to go. By the way I guess you should take Vinasun taxi or Mailinh taxi. Don't ride motobike if you nor clear the way. I'm a vietnamese and I also live nearby Cu Chi distric . I went Cu Chi so many time . So just be trust me . Drop me a call if you need help in it . The phone number is : 0963448769. My name is Nick