Seasonal work in Norway

Hi, My name is Kasia, and I am a student from Poland looking for summer job in your country. Do you know how should I look for it? I have  experience in his kind of work. Do you think I should start now or rather wait until spring? Do you know any websites that could help me? It is not easy for me to find offers because I don't know your alnguage at all.
I have already wrote to some farmers but i am afraid that they are looking for volunteers while I have to earn money.

If somone would like to hepl me I will be very thankfull  :)

Witam Katarzyno,
Zauwazylem ze poszkujesz oracy za granica. Wraz z moja zona rozwijamy biznes w europie, na dzien dzisiejszy mieszkamy w Irlandii Dublin planujemy zaczac biznes w scandynawii wiec jezeli chcialabys wiedziec wiecej to to jest moj email: [email protected].


Hi suktas,

Can you please post in english only on this anglophone forum, so as all the members can understand and participate? :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team