
Ok Leisure time is my time right? so does this mean when im off i can go anywhere with in reason and do anything with in reason of not breaking any laws of course, but ehat about my mingle time. what do i do if i want to meet no-Saudi women for fun, talk, hanging out, travel, explore, etc....

Leisure time, "mingle time",  or any other time, you have to follow the laws of the country, if only just to stay out of trouble, and not out of obedience.

Single men and women do mingle, but you have to be discreet if mingling in public.  Riskier if you are with a woman who clearly looks like she is from a different part of the world than you are.  Especially risky if the woman is white, and the man is non-white and non-western.  If you know people in compounds, mingle inside compounds.