"controle medical" in privat sector

Do you have any experience with this control requested by your employer?

I have. I am an administrative clerk, and whenever I get sick, the medical control gets send to me if I am not allowed to leave the house.  If my doctor's paper says I am allowed to leave the house, I have to go to the medical control myself.
Most companies do it like this. But most companies send the doctor to their homes instead of sending you out to them.

Thanks a lot for your reply.  It had happened to me for the first time and I didn't know why...

Do you mean the full check they do you every certain time? or the in-house medical check for you not to leave the premises of the building when you feel bad?

If it is the first one, in most cases they make some health checks to verify that you are ok and suitable to perform your tasks (good vision if you work with computer, back problems, etc...)

They may also check blood and urine for issues such as cholesterol, diabetes, or infections

I mean when you get sick and they want to control if you are really sick or not.

Ups, in that case I have never been in that situation...