Searching for speakers in Makuva, Ekoti and Matengo

Hi everyone,

I am a Norwegian student living in Berlin and studying Bantu languages. I have a big interest for african languages and culture and I am currently working on Bantu languages.

I am looking for people who speak Makua (spoken in Mozambique), Ekoti (spoken in Mozambique: Angoche) or Matengo (spoken in the south of Tanzania, Ruvuma region and Malawi).

I can offer German lessons in exchange and there is also a possibility for payment at a later stage.

Please write me if you speak one of these languages or know someone who do!


Hello Sirigje,

Welcome to :)

I moved your post to the English Speaking Fórum for better comprehension and interaction from the other members :)



Hi every one! I'm a Tanzanian university student; kimatengo is my mother tongue, kiswahili my second and National language and English my added language that is used as a medium of instruction in my country. I'm just searching for friends from abroad of both males and females

Hi Mpambalyoto,

are you studying in Tanzania? I am a university student in Berlin and as I posted I am looking for someone who speaks Kimatengo to work with for language research. The person should be in Berlin though..

Have you also spoken Kimatengo in school?
