
Conhecer Portugueses em Malta

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Ola estou em Malta desde o inicio deste mês, vou ficar por ca bastante tempo em trabalho.

vim sozinho e gostava de poder conhecer pessoal de Portugal.

Abraços e beijinhos a todos /as

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideAny Spanish speaking families in Malta?Moving to Malta 🇲🇹 for Nursing as a UK 🇬🇧 Nurseneed information regarding third country pharmacist registrationMeet for lunch?

Olá Tunfas!

Bem-vindo ao em Português :)

Movi o teu tópico para o Fórum Malta em Português para uma melhor visibilidade e interacção por parte dos outros membros.
Espero que encontres outros membros lusofonos em Malta :)
Não hesites em falar-nos um pouco mais sobre e ti, e dos teus interesses em Malta!




ACho q nao somos muitos, mas custumo ir beber umas bejecas ao black gold perto de sliema.



Igor Flores

Ola malta tudo bem? quando organizamos uma jantarada de tugas aqui em malta.. seria bom falar um pouco portugues..

Articles to help you in your expat project in Malta

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    How to drive in Malta

    Malta is a relatively small island measuring only 27km long and 14,5km wide, so it seems on paper to be very ...

  • Accidents and emergencies in Malta
    Accidents and emergencies in Malta

    A stay abroad is usually associated with great memories. However, it could happen that an accident or emergency ...

  • Resident and work permit for Malta
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    Getting a resident card and a work permit in Malta is an essential step for any expat. Living in Malta does ...

  • Finding work in Gozo
    Finding work in Gozo

    If you are planning to live in Malta, why not settle and work in Gozo? Although it is quieter than the main island ...

  • Accommodation in Malta
    Accommodation in Malta

    As an expat in Malta, one of the first steps is to find accommodation. Malta has a quickly and continuously ...

  • Phones and internet in Malta
    Phones and internet in Malta

    Despite being a small archipelago, Malta hosts a very advanced telecommunications network. If you are ...

  • Education in Malta
    Education in Malta

    The schooling system in Malta reflects the former British governance of the country. Parents may choose from state ...

  • Finding work in Malta
    Finding work in Malta

    Malta is world famous for its postcard-worthy beaches and beautiful landscapes. Indeed, this tiny island nation ...

All of Malta's guide articles