Free Lance Teaching Position in Germany...Is it affordable?

Greetings. I am interested in a language trainer position in Germany. (I'm from the U.S.A.) It would be free lance and would like to decipher whether I can afford to move to Germany and take this position.

1. I would be making between 800 EU-1,200 EU/month. Doesn't sound like much to me considering I need a place to live and have about 500 EU to pay in bills from home. I would like to know if this is possibly affordable.

2. How much taxes would I need to take out to pay the German and possibly American government?

3. Would I be provided health insurance as a free lancer? I'm not sure if you pay out of pocket for federal insurance.

4. Any chance of finding an addition job, especially as a non-member of the EU?

That's it for now. Thank you for those of you who can help.

For cost of living 
I don't think you could survive on the money you are talking about.

If you earn €1200/month and need to transfer €500/month to the USA, you have €700/month left. This is below the poverty line, where EU citizens can apply for social security assistance.
As a freelancer, you have to pay the full health insurance rate yourself (for employees the employer pays half). The rate depends on your income, the minimum is €320/month.
It is impossible to survive on the remainder!