Like Making film

Making films resoursitates my Joy

Hi chiki luba,

Welcome to Expat-Blog :)

Can you please write a few words about yourself as an introduction ? ;)

Is there any way that we can help you ? :/

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

I am Chike luba a Nigerian actor/writer and a filmmaker.currently a student of  literature at Elte university in Budapest, Hungary. We are now in summer break and after i came across your blog i felt you can offer me a job here is Hungary or within neibouring shegen countries in Europe. (it doesn't matter the kind of job as far its good i don't have a problem with that thanks) Aside this, i recently coupled a story as script which depics the travailities of Nigeria before and after Independence including its military coup actions 'col'edete' assasinations and even the famous civil war and and the setting in the 60-90's which emanates into our current aperiodic setting in Africa.So therefore, this has to do with making a film and i need a sponsor and after filming the FG of Nigeria would get involved with support and perimism. The film its  going to a hit at the African cinemas even African's in diaspora and pharps the white all over the world. My movie concept is similar to the hollywood movie shot recenly LINCOLN or IRON LADY. my budget is not capital intensive but of a minimal budget.
I will be greatfull get a reply of interest towards my call for support, Thanks.