Staying safe down there!

I have travelled widely thru Central and South America for well over a decade. I am unusual in that I am a successful businessman...but was born on the wrong side of the tracks, and have what is referred to as "street smarts". My background has equipped me very well for my travels.
Having said that, I must say I love that part of the world and have true and loyal friends there and met warm and lovely people.
I also have been targeted for numerous scams and scenarios thru the the bad guys regrets I might add.Having said that I always look to avert trouble and walk away if possible. As other posters have stated TRY never to look or act as a target...No ROLEX's, or nice NIKONS and floral shirts or white addidas.Be courteous and kind, tip reasonably and smile but never show weakness. Speak... no matter how haltingly the local language, it will be appreciated.You must realize that as a American. Canadian, or U.K. citizen it is automatically assumed you are a multimillionaire, and compared to most of your daily encounters( including lawyers,doctors and politicians) you are. A good friend of mine who has been living in Panama says he resents being treated as a vending machine ...but it comes with the territory! Enjoy the weather, food and conviviality!

I couldn't agree with you more.  Speaking the local language does wonders to keep you safe, nothing builds rapport like speaking the local language.  As far as tips for keeping you safe go, I would also add that you should never accept drinks or food from strangers, or people who you don't have a close relationship with.  In Ecuador they have all sorts of weird drugs to mess you up.  I had the unfortunate experience of having scopolamine slipped in my drink once when i was in a bar in Quito (by the pervert manager no less) and though I got out in time, the experience with the drug was one of the worst of my life and it kills me that things could have ended up a whole lot worse.  Also, don't travel at night or alone and I would suggest buying some pepper spray as soon as you get there just in case. Good luck!