Agent SIM Jakarta Selatan

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if anyone would have a contact agent to create a driving permit (SIM) for car and motorcycle in Jakarta Selatan? I already have a valid KITAS.

Thank you for your help.
That would help me a lot.


Never used one but maybe it'll be cheaper than the Rp400,000 fee/bribe it commonly costs.
You, if you do it properly as I did in Wonosobo, will have to take a written test and a practical.
The Wonosobo cops didn't ask for any bribes but I feel it may be unwise to comment the people here in Jakarta.

Its around 500,000 for a SIM renewal at Dann Mogot but might be more if first time application. Its getting more expensive as there are more palms to grease to make the process work

Thanks guys for the info. Could you also share with me a contact phone number or email and name so I could start proceeding it?
You guys can contact me in PM also.

Thank you for your help. :D

Ah that I dont have at the moment sorry.