Tener una cuenta bancaria en el Ecuador - Banc Account in Ecuador

Buen dia!

Estoy a pocos pasos de viajar a Ecuador para unirme a mi novia y nos vamos a casar en Guayaquil, donde vive ella. Yo mismo he pasado el tiempo suficiente en el Ecuador para poder hablar el idioma más o menos, y me quedo con la idea de hacer mi vida alla como también empezar con mis estudios de Economia en la universidad. Es que ella vive alla y los tramites desde aca para que ella pueda venir a Alemania y yo siendo estudiante parecen aun mas dificiles, también no queremos estar mas tiempo separados.
Pues, lo que más necesito saber después de haber planeado mucho para estar alla, es como traer mi dinero a Ecuador, y como hacerlo sin perder tanto su valor. En junio recibo una herencia seguiendo las leyes de aca, como cumplo mis 21 años, y con esta cantidad de dinero quiero abrir una cuenta y claro vivir de eso, pero además quiero trabajar aunque no se gana mucho,asi el dinero no se termina muy pronto.
Segun lo que se, será un cheque de Nueva Zelanda del abogado de mi abuela porque ella murió alla. Es que no se cual es el tipo de documento que debo tener para traer ese dinero a una cuenta bancaria sin problemas. Se puede tener un cheque de Nueva Zelanda, que claro dependiendo de su moneda alla será en NZ$, que no es lo mismo como USD. Pero si no reciben una diferente moneda, como debe ser el documento que debo llevar a un banco de Ecuador y diganme por favor si existe una cantidad maxima permitida para ingresar como extranjero, y tambien impuestos? Despues de haber tenido mi boda voy a pedir la residencia, asi que segun lo que se, puedo abrir una cuenta sin problemas, el resto no se encuentra en la web por eso les pregunto aquí todo esto.

Muchas Gracias


I am about to move to Ecuador thus to be with my girlfriend.
We are going to marry and she lives in Guayaquil.
I have been enough time in Ecuador to be able to speek Spanish more or less, and I would like to make my life there also starting my Economy studies at a university.
It seems to be quite difficult to get her over here to Germany while beeing a student, and we also don't want to spend more time not being together.
Whilst planning everthing it occurs to me that what I most need no know is how to take my money with me to Ecuador, and further how to do the latter without loosing value.
En June I will recerve a heritage from my grandmother, and with this money want to open an account in Ecuador and also live of this money. I will also want to work somehow, although I know about the salaries ect.
Will they accept a bank check from New Zealand? If not, and also for the sake of knowing, what type of money document will they accept? Is there a maximum amount conected also to taxes?

Thanks a lot

sh0man wrote:

I'll ask for you about the New Zealand check. There is no problem with depositing a US check, only it takes 2-3 weeks to clear. Another solution would be: deposit the check to your NZ account, then open one in Ecuador, and wire the money to yourself.

Hi there,

thank you for the quick reply.
I don't think myself to be that flexible in depositing the check to the original savings account that I know nothing about, as it has been dealt with only by a lawer far away from me.

In actual fact, such a remittance costs a lot due to the information supplied by the web, only via Western Union there could be a chance of doing so, although they also open their hands greedily.

I am more seeking information on the ways of bringing money there withought having to give away this lot, which it would be.
There might be international banks serviced in both Germany and Ecuador, or a different European Country.
Thank you for asking about the NZ-Check, and please let me know which bank this regards.
Thank you for beeing so kind.


Well, for me the money is great, but it really isn't that much.. The "lot" regards the fee paying the remittance. This might change things.
HSBC wants at least a so-called relationship ballance of 25ooo Pounds, and if not charges monthly 2o on the service.
This is not that aplicable.

Love to hear about the NZ-Check in Ecuador, and I'll get onto research on other off-shore accounts.


Hallo Roger... Ich bin aus Deutschland und habe vor einigen Jahren in Guayaquil geheiratet. Damals war ich Student in Deutschland und meine Frau lebte in Guayaquil. Deine Situation und Deine Sorgen klingen wie eine Kopie meiner Situation vor 7 Jahren. Meine Frau kam nach der Hochzeit nach Deutschland, aber am Ende sind wir dann beide nach Kanada augewandert (Arbeitet eigentlich Senorita America noch im deutschen Generalkonsulat in Guayaquil? Die wird alles tun, um Dich zu vor der Hochzeit zu entmutigen, die Haelfte stimmt aber nicht). Wir sind 2 - 4 Mal im Jahr in Guayaquil und suchen dort gerade ein Haus, d.h. Geldtransfer muss organisiert sein. Falls Du von meinen Erfahrungen profitieren willst, kannst Du mich gerne kontaktieren. Es waere jetzt zu lang, um alles aufzuschreiben. Ich habe das Problem mit dem Geldtransfer geloest indem ich ein USD Konto in USA aufgemacht habe. Das Bankensystem in Ecuador ist in vielen Punkten nicht international ausgerichtet. Ich kann Dir ueber Email mehr erzaehlen. Das Limit dessen, was Du ins Land (Ecuador) bringen kannst ohne zu deklarieren ist $10 000. Ich kann aber mehr reinbringen, da ich das System durchschaut habe (ist auch voellig legal, mehr per Email wenn es Dich interessiert).


You're best best would be to wire (SWIFT) your money from NZ bank to a bank in Ecuador.

First ask your bank in NZ what paperwork needs to be setup, or if it could be done online. Maybe it would be a good idea to open first an account in US dollars ( in NZ) which you then can transfer/wire the money to Ecuador.

In Ecuador, I believe they ask you to declare the funds after USD$4,000+. It's merely a declaration only, no money is taxed.

Hello mrnice1976,

Can you please post in English in the Anglophone forum so that other members can understand and eventually participate.

Thanks ;)

Sorry Yud... did not realize there was an English requirement since the original post was in Spanish (so I thought I could write in German).

To sum it up, we (me German, my wife Ecuadorian) do money transfers to Ecuador (Banco de Guayaquil) through our US based bank account. There are many ways (Xoom is my favourite with direct deposit into an ecuadorian bank account from a US account). The poster can open a US checking account with his German passport and a supporting document (for example German driver's license) walking into a branch of a bank in the US. He will be able to deposit the NZ check right there with very little cost($30 or so). From there the money transfer to Ecuador is a piece of cake.

I would not put my money at risk by having everything in Ecuador nor do I like dealing with the Ecuadorian banking system directly which usually costs more time and money than I am willing to spend. Also, if you look at the financial crash in Ecuador in 1999 you will know that it is easy to lose your money in an Ecuadorian bank: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998%E2%80 … ing_crisis

The US - Ecuador financial connection is excellent and there is no currency conversion. There are no direct flights to Guayaquil from a German airport, so a stopover in the US or Spain is required. He can open the bank account on one of those stopovers in the US. Using US as a proxy is our preferred way.

Wiring money from bank to bank is different than wiring money via western union or any other commercial organization. Each legitimate bank in the world has a number that can be used to wire funds to it. Of course there is a fee, but it's not large.

Check with your grandmother's lawyer about the questions you have with the money transfer. Alternatively, check with your own bank. A bank officer will be happy to help you out.