UK Spousal Visa


I'm looking to apply for a spousal visa and wanted to get some basic advice on what I need to collect/prepare.

Can anyone recommend a good agent or a place to start looking for the right information?

Thanks :)


Welcome to Christie!

Hope that you'll soon be enlightened.;)


Hi Christie,

Welcome to! Well I've just sent off application for an extension of stay in the UK as the spouse of a British citizen, so if you have any questions about the process please let me know.

The UK Border Agency actually has a good website so I would make that your first stop. Just be prepared, the whole thing is a lot of paperwork and evidence collecting.

If you're looking for a more personal touch, I would recommend Found Love, Now What? In which Belinda has just finished sending off her application and lists the type of documents/evidence you require.

The post is titled - - Expat Diaries: My Visa Process

If you have any questions feel free to contact me via my blog or on Twitter (@essentialerin)

I wish you every success in your visa process. It can be a bit daunting but try to 'keep calm and carry on'. *Cringe*

Good luck!

Erin Moran |

Good luck! It seems you'll get some support here. I'm so glad I found this post, I'll be going through this also, soon. I'm going to apply for a Fiance Visa soon, to go to the UK.

Hi Mary

A few years ago I tried applying for the UK Spousal Visa and it was rejected (at great cost to me - that application fee isn't refundable!). The two reasons it was rejected was: 1) the official wasn't satisfied that we really intended to get married, and 2) although my family in the UK gave me all their personal financial statements and guaranteed us full support, the official wanted the proof of support to reside in my personal bank account.

My advice to you is to try to prove your relationship however you can, and maybe even look at booking a wedding venue in advance and providing proof with your application. As for the finances, good luck - that's a tough one.

PS: My story had a happy ending - my fiance joined me in my country and we got married here.