Looking for a job for the summer

Hey everyone, my names Amy im 25 and from the UK im looking for a job on this beautiful island for 3 months from end of april.. wonder where best place is I would likely be hired. Hoping to stay permanently if I find the right job. :D

Hi Amy,

welcome to the forum.

What kind of work are you looking for and what are your job skill, qualifications and languages?


Hi ricky

I currently work as a manager in a betting shop which I have done for past 5 years I also have 3 years experience of working in a call centre (I am going to apply at Hsbc) .. I can only speak English but would love to learn maltese.

I am looking for anything by the way. Ie customer service,  bar, waiting etc

Your experience might be appreciated in Malta for customer service jobs in the betting industry (Malta is the biggest igaming hub in Europe). Companies usually appreciate native speakers for each market (e.g. UK market) with betting knowledge.

Job agencies:

Hsbs a good bet their call cetre is constantly hiring and if ya have previous experience in customer service its gonna help.
Pays not bad either.
Otherwise igamings a good option as the previous thread said.
All the best of luck