American looking towards Israel

Hi. My name is Gina. I have a number of questions.
Is there anyone here from the United States of America that can tell me how one would properly prepare once visiting Israel, with the intention of eventually moving? What would I look for? What types of cultural changes would be most difficult to handle? Would one expect to be able to find employment with relative ease, or should one expect it to possible take a couple years to settle in and find a way to make a living?

Also, what would a comparable cost of living per month be for a married couple? I've lived across the United States and the cost of living changes, but in general, about $2,000 a month in American money is what we would spent on the basics such as rent, food, medical, etc..

I'd appreciate any help you can offer.

Hi Gina1111!

Welcome to!


Hello Armand. Thank you for welcoming me to the blog. How are you today?

Hi Gina1111.

Doing great. What about you?


It depends on if you are coming as a right of return or other. I am an American Christian here, so my process has been different. I am married to an Arab-Israeli citizen. The application for my visa to stay would have been made easier if I had completed a lot of the work before leaving the states. I can give details if this will be your process.
As for customs, everyone here stares, it's been mentioned in other posts before. That takes a lot of getting used to as an American, where it's rude to stare. Everyone is just trying to figure you out, not being intentionally rude.
Most people speak English, so it's rather easy to get by until you learn more of the language.
People here forget things such as lines, and speed limits. =) You have to be assertive unless you want to stand in line and wait. Oh, and people smoke EVERYWHERE. That is very hard for me to get used too.
OH! The police drive around with their lights on all the time. They are not pulling you over unless they say so through the siren or loudspeaker.
Things are safe here. Don't worry!
As for Jobs, it depends. The market is flooded with people and little jobs to go around. $2000 a month is ok as long as you don't live in a city. That would be your rent alone in Tel Aviv.