
Hi all,I need an advice Re my Iqama,I just get my Iqama,they misspelled my name in Arabic as been told  but the English writing is correct and the same as my passport. would this put me in troubles with the authorities if my Arabic name is misspelled? Thanks.

I would suggest to get it corrected, coz in all official documents driving licenses, vehicle registration they will put your arabic name. Even your bank account then will be opened with wrong arabic name. Since you haven't posted the details, I am not sure how material the difference is.

get it changed before you go for bank account opening or driving licence, however minor the difference may be.

Thanks guys for your advice ; my nightmare its going to take another month and a half to be corrected,my English name is correct and that's what count, nothing written in Arabic in my passport,I opened an account today and he wrote the wrong Arabic spelling but the English copy all correct,even the hospital where I work they never wrote my name in Arabic, the only problem will be when I get a driver licence .