First trip to Cuenca

When we make our first trip to Cuenca is it best to seek a motel/hotel? It will be for 10 days. I see abundant rentals on the internet but often wonder if renting that way is a good idea. I've read often the places are not available when you arrive, or you are charged 1st and last months rent plus a deposit. Any suggestions / names of places safe to rent from?


Hi Char and welcome to!

Have you thought about the section Housing in Cuenca? It may help.;)


For a 10 day rental you'll be better off in an apartment than a hotel. It'll be cheaper plus you'll have more space and the opportunity to prepare some simple meals. There are several folks I know with such units. Tell me when you're coming and I'll try to help you out.

Thanks Edd.
It won't be until June of 2014 but i'll remain on this site
and contact you when it gets closer. At this time we are
trying to learn the language, culture, area, ect.

Thanks Char

Yikes! A year and a half? Don't catch the common prospective expat condition known as "Analysis Paralysis." You've got a lot of time and there's too much info out there. Learn enough to have a direction then come see what you think.

I totally agree. Will not think it to death will simply look over the info, make a few contacts and make the trip. Only one way to find out if this is the right place. Come for a visit then follow our heart. It will tell us if we belong there.

Hi Char

You will love Cuenca...there are tones of hotels available, very modest pricing as well. For Example, what I wd call the equivalent of a 4 star hotel in Canada is on Calle Larga, (downtown) at $72 (US)per night. Includes breakfast with a view overlooking the Tomebamba River.
Most folks get by on little or no Spanish but there are some good schools (i have heard)for teaching.
By the way, if you need some dental work, the dentists are inexpensive: my guy charged $30 for a cleaning and 3 tiny filling for $25 each (all done by the dentist himself)...just about paid for my trip!

Buena suerte


Thanks..We're really looking forward to exploring Cuenca. With any luck we will get to move our trip up a bit.
