Net Income

Hello Everyone,

I got a job offer from a company, however I don't know whether to accept since the taxes are so high!. I'm not sure how much I will have at the end of each month to spend that's why I'm kindly asking for your help. The package they are offering is the following

Monthly gross salary: 2300 Euro
a 13th month's pay in 2012 prorated in accordance with the worked months in 2012
Mobility package: 450 Euro gross per month
Representation allowance: 115 Euro net per month
Lunch allowance: 12,5 Euro net per day (max 4x/week)
Call budget mobile phone: 56 Euro per month.

At the end this makes around 37,700 eur a year. The question is, the tax rate applies only to the gross salary (2,300*12= 27,600) or to the yearly amount? the perks and benefits are also taxed?

Thank you in advance for your comments!.


Ask your potential employer about the extra benefits and tax liabilities.
Use a salary calculator which will give you a rough idea of net pay. Tax depends on your personal circumstances, such as dependents.

It applies to the 13 salaries you get. The rest is tax free. It looks like you work for a BIG4 company. You are a starter?

Yeah, allowance and mobility package, looks like a consulting firm.

Based on your gross salary, count a nice -45% in tax ! no, really, it's harsh...
Looks like a bit low at 2300 but it depends on your background, diploma, position, your allowance and other benefits are a plus for sure, but you should'nt skip the net salary part.

what do they mean by mobility package ??
is it your car leasing budget ?

Hey guys, thanks for you replies.

Indeed is a Big4 company and an entry level position, good guess!

I'm 26 yrs old and have no dependents. Also, something relevant is that I'm a non-european citizen  so the package they are offering is tailored to that.

The mobility package will be cash, no car for me. This is to meet the yearly amount of 37,700 a year since I'm non-european.

By the way, the mobility allowance of 450€ per month will be taxed as well.

I think that most salaries in Belgium include 13,92 month salaries, not only 13 like in your case. Am I right? You also should have extras for summer vacation and Christmas.

Apparently I'll get a 14th salary, that's what my possible-future boss told my in an informal talk.

Everything is taxed here!. I'm expecting a net amount of €1,700/month.

Anyway, I think I will take it, is not bad for a first job in europe and is a good company to learn.

13.92...... salary, not 14, well it is almost, plus you don't get that straightaway, it will take a year to build up the credit for the extra "months".

I bring up a large family on that salary.