ESL Teachers Payday ?

Do most schools pay monthly or biweekly? Thanks

my school pays monthly, others pay every two weeks. depends where you work.

If you work 100 hours a month @ $12.00 do you get paid $1,200.00 ? o or the make some deductions on your salary? If so, what would they be?

I ask because my wife has a Bachelor Elementary Education Degree. And speaks perfect English. I should post her photo in my profile. Thanks

if your wife is from the philippines i doubt there is much chance that she will be paid $12, no matter how good her english is. philippino teachers get paid less than native/"white" teachers - maybe something between $5-$8 an hour.

BUT, yes. a person working $12 an hour who works 100 hours in a month will be paid $1,200. some schools pay per hour, whilst others pay per month.

She love kids and has a charisma that is rare. SO I think that  a white teacher that speaks English with NO degree, just an internet TESOL Certificate. and can't explain the difference between a noun and a pronoun ....
And she can walk away from any low ball offer, cause she financially has no need to work.

Let's see, time will tell

generally all teachers love children so that isn't really anything special. charisma, yes, but the philippino teachers i have worked with were also great with talking, and very friendly. good luck to her.

Well, then there is no real justifiable reason, besides discrimination to pay Filipina teachers less. But we will "cross the bridge when we get there"

BTW a lady that graduated with my wife teaches in Saigon and makes $1,500 a month