Looking for an iPhone charger

Hi all I left my iphone charger (iphone 4) in the office and can't go back cos its locked. Any recommendations as to where I can get a charger at a reasonable price? I live in District 1 near Pham Ngu Lao.

Thanks in advance.

There are two places that I know that sell cell chargers, quite near you.

Half way up (from PNL direction) Ton That Tung Street (and dead opposite Suong Nguyet Anh Street) there's a computer store (right behind the damn great tree) with a counter on the left of the store who always carries a range of used power packs.

If he doesn't have what you need, cross to the other side of the road and walk on up - there are one or two knock off Apple shops.

Still no luck, the keep on walking to Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, hang a RIGHT, and there are more knock off Apple stores.

Finally, keep on along Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street to CMT8 (Cach Mang Thang 8 Street)  and there are some more stores there.

Have the unit tested before you buy.

Apple, stupid as ever, uses a couple of extra resistors in theirs to make it incompatible with others.

iphone charger, kindle charger..... same thing. Anywhere, dead cheap, they're as abundant as adaptors. You could probably get one in a cafe.