Looking for volunteer job

Hello! :)

I am finishing my interdisciplinary study at Faculty of mechanical engineering and economy and seriously considering participate to the Leonardo Da Vinci european programme to acquire a first professional experience in country Malta.

Within the programme scholarship is received, therefore just need to find employer (I would accept any job connected with mechanical engineering, production, marketing, product development, CAD, etc.), who is willing to offer me volunteer job, approximately for three to six months. Although engineering is not Malta main activity I hope that you can suggest me some possible ideas, contacts or names of companies you  know, to ask directly, without job agancies, Eures, etc. So far I have found maritime (Shipbuilding) to be well suited.

Sharing your experiences with similar case would also be very nice. ;)
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards and good day,


research Engineering companies via google.com.mt

Motherwell bridge is a good engineering company but you really have to get on the phone to them as emails will just not work in this situation.


Thank you very much Julian.

you can also have a look at http://www.volontarjat.org/ for any volunteer jobs that you might be interested in :)