Seeking Input on Job Offer and Company

Hello all!  Anyones input is very much appreciated.  I have been extended an offer to work for Alsalam Aircraft Co. This is the second offer as I had declined the 1st out of nervousness.  They are not offering a bonus as they did the first time.  The salary is borderline for me.  The first time I was in contact, they had me set up to go to Taif for the F-15 TSP project.

My main concerns are:

1) Has anyone worked or have experience with Alsalam?  If so, what are the good and bad points of this company?

2) Has anyone worked at Taif Air Base? What are the general conditions? What are the living conditions?  Is the compound decent?  Amenities?

Any other information would helpful.

Thanks in advance.

I think nobody know Alsalam and nobody in here worked in Taif Air Base :/