Registered partner as family member

Hi expats!

Does anyone have experience whether partners coming from a third country, who have a relationship registered by a notary (Élettársi Nyilatkozatok Nyilvántartása) are considered family members and can thus get a residence permit as relatives of a Hungarian citizen?
I would like to emphasize, that I do NOT mean the civil union for same-sex people (bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat), but the above mentioned version, which is available to opposite-sex partners as well.


It's an official site, you can find there a lot of stuff(info., docs., so on...), or you may go to one of their offices as well, probably you'll have to wait a bit there, but they are nice and helpful.
And I saw you have problems with your insurace as well... If you live in Budapest you should go to the OEP office (1139 Bp., Teve u. 1/a-c) and they will tell you what you have to do and you can check out their web page as well...
Good luck.