Wood chips business

Hi everyone,

Can you inform me some information about wood chips business in Chile?
I heard that wood chips are controlled by Japanese, it is hard to get wood chips from Chile, isn't it?
Thanks in advance for your assist!

In Chile the companies work only in explote the basic resources, but they dont process it, its so crazy! because you have metals, litio, a lot of wood, but.. i donŽt what happend with this, i think CORFO could give you good information about this, CORFO is a goverment institution that support foreigner and national entrepreneurs with the best information,

English Website: http://translate.google.com/translate?s … .corfo.cl/
Phone Number: 56-2 6318200

Good Luck!
Ricardo Padro

Thanks for your good information.
In my opinion, this is the process for country developing,just like the early time of west developed countries, they developed ecomony basis of sacrificing their environment.
However, i believe that all country's government began to focus on the relationship between economy and environment.
I learnt from papers that Chile had already exploited wood resource as per plan, especially wood chips.
The main market for Chilean wood chips is Japan, Europe and America, But only a few export to China. China is one of the biggest consumers of wood chips in the world, what's wrong with it??