Blog space viewable in China

I need to set up a blog for a group of students visiting China this summer so they can stay in touch with their family and friends. However, I tried Google's Blogger first and realized that it's blocked by the Chinese government. Could you please help me and let me know what blog space is not blocked and therefore, the kids can log online and blog while they are in Beijing and Shanghai? The user interface needs to be in English.

Thank you!

Is accessible in China?

Hello, I'm trying to register to create a blog on but even after I write my username, it keeps assigning my full name as my username and then tells me there's a problem with my username.  When I select the Check Username button, nothing happens.  Even when it assigns my full name, it is under the allotted 15 characters.  My name is unique and it's unlikely that anyone else has it so I don't think that's the problem.  Please advise.  Thank you!

I think we've got a problem with upper case characters. Could you please try to register with lower case characters only?

