Moving to chile ? or to South America

Hello everybody, my name is thomas, I am french and I am currently living Dublin, Ireland.

I want to move to another country and if possible in south america and more in chile.

i wanted to know if some of you could give me some usefull information, like cost of life, where to find a job, or maybe u know some offers in your company i can give u my cv

i'm looking for a job in marketing, management, sales, ... i have just done a business chool, do u think i can have some opportunities in south america ???

and also i understand spanish very well but as i dont practice it is a bit more hard to speak, do u think it's going to be a huge problem as i speak english ??

or if you know any details who could help me it will be really nice, or also if you want some information about ireland, do not hesitate

thanks for your help :top:


Hi Thomas,

I am from the United States, and have been living in Temuco, Chile for 9 months. I have started at travel blog, but I haven't been able to register it here yet:

I have some info that might help you there. Cost of living in Chile is fairly high, especially in Santiago. I live in Temuco, which is about 250,000 people. Cost of living here is cheaper than the US, but higher than other Latin American countries.

Regarding the job, it may be hard at first if you don't speak Spanish, although as an educated foreigner you do have an advantage, and regarding your studies, marketing is a huge area that Chile has been importing ideas from other developed countries.

I myself abandoned trying to find work in Chile, and am working for an American company through the internet, which pays better than anything I could find here. The one job that seems to pay well for English speakers is teaching English, but I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for.

Let me know any other questions.