Moving to Germany to work

We are noving from usa to germany on work . what is the bestcway to integrate and how?

I have moved your post to a separate thread, as it was off-topic where you placed it.

How to integrate best is a good question, and I am happy that you want to try.

First and foremost: Learn German!

If you aren't already fluent in it, better language abilities will enhance both your career prospects and your social life. Even though most Germany speak some English, they are less comfortable and less experienced in it than in German - and both are requirements for a good cooperation or friendship.

If you also adapt to local lifestyle and accept it as your new normal, you will integrate quickly and manage to find happiness here. If you stay in an Expat bubble instead, you might not.

Good luck - and feel free to come back here to report how you are managing, what works and what not, etc. Future readers in a similar situation will be grateful!