Online Censorship in China


I'm currently applying to become an English teacher in China and I wanted to ask about the internet censorship situation. At the current moment, are these websites accessible?


...I'm not sure I could live without my internet fix!


I just moved to China and so far I am unable to get on facebook, youtube, or watch any online videos. I am able to check my email on gmail and yahoo and talk on Skype.

Hope this helps.

You may find this helpful: Blocked Sites and censorship

Hey guys

Thanks for all your help. I was also wondering if it is still possible to buy kindle books in China?


try https prefix with these sites.

Hi, Amazon is no problem in China. They deliver also to Mainland.
The other Websites (not Wikipedia, that is open) are all blocked. But with VPN this is also not a problem. And VPN is quite normal even to most chinese who lived for a while abroad. For my blogger page I just use email. You can not read your own blog, but just send an email to your Blog. So the ppl at home still know what you are doing. Works well. At the end, chinese firewall is not that close. It just make everything very slowly and complicate. Good luck and welcome in China.

What are you guys doing here in China? What occupations are you taking? How do you like people and environment here?

Hi Starhawk, what has your question to do with the topic from e.paulrobinson?  Are you a censor and would like to know how you can improve your job.
I live since five years in China. Think that answers some of your questions :-) Peace

Yes, I'm a censor on foreigners in China. My major responsibilities are to check out what you guys are doing and see how I can mess you up:lol:

You should change your Job Buddy. We mess up our self enough. Become part of the Matrix and keep on moving. There is no Censorship in China. Only a slow internet and a bit faster one.