Hello group, it's been a while since I posted but have been lurking. The world is certainly different as is life. A few years ago before Covid, I was researching hard on living as an expat in Da Nang. Many of you were kind enough to give me information publicly on the forum and via private message. Thank you.
Some of the changes on my end is the divorce is almost final after 24 years. Other changes were Covid and how that affected the immigration/visa policy to Vietnam. I have read many of you say Thailand is easier from a visa perspective than VN and people are moving there vs staying in VN. Is that true?
From a big picture perspective, what are the biggest difference in day to day life as an expat between Thailand and Da Nang or VN in general? Pros/cons?
And I know this is very subjective for everybody given the lifestyle they want to live and the budget they have...I get it. That being said, what are the major considerations to think about between the two countries? I am sure there is just so much that I don't know that I don't even know the questions to ask. Any tips or suggestions are welcome.