Move to kenya

Iam looking to move kenya any advise? Is it a good place to move. Thank yoy

@hettalyoucef58  Yes it is..

Hello Hettalyoucef58,

Welcome !

Have you considered visiting before moving there ?



Hi,  Whether Kenya is a good place to move to is very much an individual opinion and choice.  I'd strongly recommend visiting first.

In terms of planning to settle there, the visa and permit system doesn't make this particularly easy, especially if you want to work, or set up and run a business. 

For retirement it is easier and there is a permit available for which you need an income of $25000 pa or more derived from sources other than work in Kenya - so you could work online for example for a company not based in Kenya, or the income may be derived from savings, investments and so on.   You would not be permitted to carry out any type of work including voluntary though.


Kenya is basically a beautiful country with wonderful scenes and interesting people.

If it's a retirement move I suggest you try the coastal strip mostly north coast.

To advise you more I would need to know what you intend to experience. Business opportunities, cultures scenic views etc.