Teaching a foreign language in Mexico

Hi everyone,

I'm a student doing a Master in France about how to teach French and English as a foreign language. We have to do a project about two different educational system : between France and another country. We chose to compare it with Mexico.

So I have a question about the educational system in Mexico :

-> I would like to know from which age kids learn a foreign language in Mexico? And which pedagogical method is used to teach languages in Mexico?

-> Besides from English, is there another language that is taught there?

-> In my Master we talk about the action-oriented approach (la méthode actionnelle in French). Do you use it too to teach languages in Mexico?

Thank you very much in advance from your responses and i wish you to have a good day :)


I have a master's in TESOL and i taught English as a foreign language in Mexico for several years at a private language school. Short answer. The student are lucky if they even know their own Spanish grammar.  Any foreign language classes will be hit or miss throughout the country. Probably taught only in the expensive private schools. I'd pick another country if it's for an important school paper. Good luck.

@Johnny Earl Thank you very much for your reply. We'll see what we will do, but thank you very much it's already an answer :)