Universal vs Humano experience and some questions

I hope the ARS's and the Doctor's Association can work things out since SENASA is not a great option.

Just curious, why do you say so ?
-@Guineo Verde

None of the plans I see are all that good:

Don't get me wrong, they are a lot better than nothing. Nothing is what anyone here illegally would have if the other ARS companies go away and only Senasa options remain as the Doctor's Associations hopes.

See what you think.

https://www.arssenasa.gob.do/index.php/ … mentarios/


Ok, but those plans your link is pointing to are 'Complementary and Optional Plans' design to complement those who have a 'Contributory Regime' paid by their employers.

For expats or Dominicans of the diaspora there is 'Plan Larimar'

As earlier you wrote :

Will Humano be next?
The medical association is attempting to funnel people to:
I have no idea how that would work for people that are retired and/or over 65 here in the DR.

I called SeNaSa. I was told there is no age limit to subscribe. People over 70 just pay double fee. Not sure if we can believe that ... Next time I will be in Santo Domingo, I will go to the main office and check.