Accommodation in Oslo

Searching for property in Oslo

The most popular search engine for finding rental properties in Oslo is Both private homeowners and rental agents use the platform to advertise rental properties. Use the filter options on the site to narrow the search area to specific neighbourhoods.

Other websites where homeowners post rental properties include,, and various Facebook groups (a good search term to try is ‘til leie i Oslo’ or ‘til leie i [area of Oslo]’).

Since most sites are available only in Norwegian, it is a good idea to become familiar with some commonly used Norwegian terms.

Here are some essential rental terms to help you find a suitable rental property:

 Good to know:

In Norway, the living room is counted as a bedroom or ‘soverom’. If a housing advertisement states that it is a two-bedroom apartment, this implies that there are a separate living room and bedroom. One-bedroom apartments do not have a bedroom.

Things to look out for in Oslo

Rental properties in Oslo have different inclusions. There are a few key things to look out for when choosing a rental property.


The advertisement will usually state whether utilities such as warm water, electricity, and WiFi/broadband are included. If utilities are not included, ask the landlord or agent about the estimated additional monthly costs.

Many rental properties will require the renter to take out a new subscription in their own name for electricity and WiFi connection. This subscription alone can add a few hundred kroner to your monthly fees in addition to the price of electricity consumption and internet usage. Use the online electricity calculator to see rates and package deals for the area in which you plan to rent a property.


Facilities may differ amongst the various accommodation options (row houses, apartment buildings, semi-detached houses, shared apartments, etc.). Here are some facilities to look out for:

Viewing property in Oslo

Since competition for rental properties is high, many owners will have a viewing of the apartment and choose the most suitable renters afterwards. When expressing interest in a property, it is a good idea to include some information about yourself (age, occupation, country of origin, etc.) to demonstrate that you will be a reliable tenant who is able to pay the rent every month.

Are you thinking about purchasing a property instead? Read our guide to buying property in Oslo.

Article written by
Last update on 08 October 2019 15:07:32
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