Pregnancy and childbirth in Singapore

Pregnancy tests

You can purchase pregnancy tests in most pharmacies and supermarkets. Expect to pay between S$10 to S$15 for each test.

Whether you get a positive or negative test, you should book an appointment with the doctor if you believe you might be pregnant. You can either book with a gynecologist at a hospital or a women's clinic. It's recommended that you wait at least six to eight weeks after your last period to do so. The doctor will then give you another urine test and possibly an ultrasound to confirm whether you're pregnant.

Insurance coverage

You should get health insurance before you get pregnant to ensure your pregnancy-related costs are covered. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a fortune for having a baby in Singapore, as it's one of the most expensive countries in the world to start a family in. You should make sure you know everything the policy covers, as some will only cover your labor costs when you go to the hospital; that's it.

You can always buy insurance after you get pregnant, but it's not recommended. Most companies won't give you maternity coverage.

Also, be aware that some companies only cover babies that are older than 91 days. So you'll need to search for policies that cover newborns to avoid excessive expenses.

Costs to expect during your pregnancy

You might want to have pre-pregnancy screening or fetal abnormality tests, which, admittedly, will be expensive. They can cost between S$350 and S$700 or more, depending on where you go. In addition, ultrasounds will cost between S$80 and S$150.

Thankfully, there are pregnancy packages available to reduce costs a little. The packages will depend on which hospital you choose, but they'll cover all of the normal delivery services, excluding complications. Prices range between S$2,000 to over S$4,000, but the price includes things like your epidural and staying in your hospital room (usually two days). Of course, you'll have to pay much more if you want a private room. There are also separate packages to cover other pregnancy costs. They'll cost between S$400 to S$650 at public hospitals, but if you choose a private hospital, it'll cost around S$2,000.

Public vs private hospitals

Public hospitals will be cheaper, but this comes at other costs. They won't be as comfortable, and waiting times will be much longer. Also, a major disadvantage is you won't get to choose your doctor.

On the other hand, private hospitals cost a lot more. However, you'll be much more comfortable, and wait times won't be long at all. Also, there's a higher chance of getting your own room.

Giving birth

Most Singaporean doctors will encourage you to give birth naturally, although they'll give you the choice between that or scheduling a C-section. If you'd rather have a C-section, then you'll need to schedule it during the last month of pregnancy.

After you've given birth, you'll need to register your baby's birth within 14 days. The good news is that you can register online (it'll cost S$18). Also, to pick up the birth certificate, you don't have to go yourself. You can send your spouse, a family member, or your lawyer. As an expat, you'll need to notify your home country about your baby's birth. Because there are different laws and regulations for each country, it's best if you check with your home country's embassy for more information.

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Last update on 01 June 2022 13:26:54
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