Useful numbers in Cambodia

If you do run into any trouble in Cambodia, it's always worth turning to your embassy as soon as you can, as the staff should be able to advise you as to what best to do.

It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the location of your nearest embassy when you arrive in Cambodia so that you know where to immediately go if the need arises.They will also be able to help you to replace any vital belongings, such as your passport, and make sure you get appropriate medical assistance if need be. They should also have reliable local contacts, such as attorneys or translators.

Cambodian police are known to supplement their very low income with the odd bribe, which you will be expected to pay even if you are the victim of a crime and need a police report for insurance purposes. It is important to always remain calm when dealing with the police, and to negotiate your bribe with a level head ' any signs of hysteria or vulnerability will be capitalised on and you can end up paying more than need be.

You may find that the tourist police in Siem Reap speak some English, but you may not have as much luck with the tourist police in Phnom Penh. It is, therefore, a good idea to know someone who speaks Khmer who can help you if you ever need to deal with the police ' be that a Cambodian friend, colleague, hotel employee or a tuk-tuk driver who you can tip a few dollars for their help.

In the event of a medical emergency, do be aware that it is sometimes best to head directly to a hospital or private clinic rather than wait for an ambulance to arrive. Likewise, if you are the victim of a crime, it can be easier to head directly to a police station with a translator, rather than trying to explain issues over the phone.

Here is a list of numbers that could come in useful when you're in Cambodia. Do note that the international dialling code for Cambodia is 855, but you do not need to dial this when in the country.


Police and firefighters

Ambulance and hospitals



Article written by
Last update on 24 July 2018 08:30:22
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