Chefs jobs available in Novi Sad?

Hi there folks...Im looking at moving to Serbia but having a look on the internet im finding it a little hard to find available jobs!!!

Dont know if it is the industry that i am in but does anyone know of a site to look for chefs jobs available in Novi Sad?

Really want to move there

Any help would be great


Hi Shaun,

I know this is a bit late reply, but maybe it helps still.
There is not much going online in Serbia unfortunately. Found this site, I already posted it in another thread of this forum: - it will help, if you know Serbian language or have someone to translate for you.
Chef's job available - you can apply till 05.07.2011.

Hope it helped a bit.

PS. If you find a job, please tell me which restaurant, I'll go visit sometimes :)


Hi again!

Just discovered this site has job offers too :D

It is in Serbian, but it is frequently updated!