Naturalisation + move in service

Tamir 35 from IL, website developer

I applied for my hu nationality year ago
I have no idea how to check the status,

And I wish to move in and start blendimg in , but I don't know if I will be tourist or what else status...

Does any of you would kindly consider escorts me
For a day of local register and orientation

Like gym grocery Bank car City Hall (paid)

Where did you apply? And under what approach? Simplified Naturalization might be completed within a year, but the other approaches probabaly not.

i applied at this office near oktagon on 15.11.2017.

VI. kerületi Kormányablak - Andrássy út
1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 55. | +36-1-795-8690 |,,

my father become HU recently based on grandfather...

I take it you did not apply for Simplified Naturalization, so your application could take up to 18 months to process.

Of course you can contact the office in Budapest where you submitted the application and ask about the status. But if you look at back posts here in other threads, you'll see that the bureaucracy gets around to processing papers at its own speed. A year's wait does not suggest there's a problem.

Naturally, though, you'll want to make sure they have a current contact for you.

may i start moving in ?

i received the following email :

Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!

Sajnos útlevélkérelme még mindig folyamatban van.
A BFKH Állampolgársági és Anyakönyvi Főosztálytól kapott tájékoztatás alapján az állampolgársági vizsgálatot remélhetőleg hamarosan le tudják zárni. Utána az anyakönyvezési folyamat még kb. 1-2 hónap. Amint megkapjuk a választ, le tudjuk gyártani útlevelét.

Megértését köszönjük.

Please note, this is an English language forum. A simple trip to Google Translate will give you a decent translation* which you can post here and help more of those here help you more effectively without adding additional work for them.

*Yes, I did the translation, just to verify it was reasonable. But I will leave it to you to do so, and post it.